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1)Face painting


Are you good in painting? Here is your platform to showcase your  artistic talent in your friends Face:-p .Face is the index of mind but here your friend’s  face is the index of your innovative mind. This is the  Impressive way to convey your message with fun.

Rules and regulations:

  • Team members : 2

  • One has to paint on the other.

  • Express your thoughts through finest art skills.

  • Materials will not be provided.​

2) Rangoli:

Let the celebration begin with colours, the celebration of the day . The event is to see participation from people just passionate about colours to people who are passionate about evincing their message to the world through colours. Play as you like with some rules to create more fun

Rules and Regulation

  • This is a team event. Maximum 3 people per team.

  • Participating teams are needed to make a Rangoli based on a theme given on the spot.

  • Time limit for the event is 3 hours.

  • There must NOT be any personal indication mark or writing on the job submitted.

  • Use of any outside aids and internet is strictly prohibited and may lead to disqualification.

  • Materials will not be  provided .

  • The organizing team reserves the right to change or modify any of the rules


3) Best out of waste


Most of us are unaware that the term 'waste' is relative. What may seem as 'waste' to others may seem to be utilitarian to you. The stage is set to showcase the individuality and innovation in you to create something useful.

Rules and Regulation

  • Team should contain minimum of 2 members and maximum of 3.

  • Design can be from any domain like art, science, technology, etc.

  • Design should be made exclusively with waste.

  • Participants can bring their waste materials.

  • Participants will be provided with plastic bottles, papers, etc. at our stall.

  • Decision of the organizers will be final.






















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